Starting Over

 In the recent past, I engaged in a conversation with a good friend about life.  During this discussion, my friend stated to me, “I don’t want to start over”.  Shortly after our chat, I reflected on the countless times that I too did not want to start over.  I recalled that I was willing to force myself to stay in dead-end situations and circumstances due to fear of the unknown future.   I found myself willing to remain with a complacent mindset, a complacent job...


Have you ever been distracted while you were attempting to complete a task? Maybe you were cooking dinner, and you answered the telephone, leaving the meal on the burner, which caused the food to singe? Or, perhaps you were trying to complete a task at work, and your boss directed you to immediately complete a different task? These moments in life are what we consider to be distractions.  A distraction is something designed to avert your attention from completing...

More Precious Than Rubies

There was a time in my life when I would buy the most expensive shoes, clothes, pocket books, and cars.  I would find myself wanting the “finer things” in life because it would somehow make me feel valued.  Not only did I apply this concept to material things, I would also apply this concept to relationships and dating.  However, after going through multiple failed relationships, I began to question myself and asked God “Where did I go wrong”?  It was at that...


In my young adult years, I would listen to the song, “Bag Lady”. The song writer depicted a story of a woman who found difficulty moving forward in her life due to carrying “baggage”. Despite the catchy beat and the creative words, I wondered, “Did the song writer understand the purpose of the bag”? According to, a bag is “a container made of flexible material with an opening at the top, used for carrying things”. As women, we often categorized our...

Yes! I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

Growing up as a child, I would hear the comment “You are pretty to be dark skinned”. Although, I enjoyed the compliment of being called pretty, I certainly did not enjoy the undertone comment that my dark colored skin was viewed as ugly. This, just like many other things caused me to become insecure about who I was on the outside. Consequently, I would over compensate for it due to lack of self-confidence and would settle for less by excusing rude and offensive...