In my young adult years, I would listen to the song, “Bag Lady”. The song writer depicted a story of a woman who found difficulty moving forward in her life due to carrying “baggage”. Despite the catchy beat and the creative words, I wondered, “Did the song writer understand the purpose of the bag”?

According to, a bag is “a container made of flexible material with an opening at the top, used for carrying things”. As women, we often categorized our negative experiences as “baggage”. We overlook the fact that these experiences contribute to our growth, help to shape our views and perspectives, and assist us in becoming who we are destined to be.  After reflecting on my own journey, I have realized that God allowed me to endure certain experiences because He decided that I am a flexible compartment with an opening at the top. He felt that I was fit to carry rejection, abandonment, divorce, financial setbacks and pitfalls, and heartbreaks. According to Romans 8:28, All things work together for the good to those that love the lord and are called according to his purpose. Therefore, the hardships were not designed to “weigh me down”. These hardships were not merely negative shortcomings or tedious nuisances as the enemy would try persuade me to believe. Instead, these experiences were purposed for my destiny, and they have equipped me with the wisdom to minister to others who are going through similar situations. As I mature in Christ, I have learned that you can only pour from what is inside of you. I have also learned that you cannot share items from an empty bag.

So, if you are feeling discouraged while running this Christian race, or if you are feeling the weight of the items in your bag, remember that you are made of flexible material with an opening at the top, and that every single item will be used for God’s glory.

Be encouraged.
