My husband and I enjoyed getting away with our three sons to an isolated beach spot.  My husband drove our Ford van, called the blue monster onto the packed sand. Once parked, my sons ran to the ocean, and my husband fished in the Gulf. After I prepared their lunch, I heard Brian, the youngest shout, “Mom, come join us!”  I sprinted toward those waves and before I knew it, the water was over my head. Brian yelled, “Reach for my hand, Mom, let me help you!” Then he cried out, “Mom, you’re too heavy!” Finally, my older sons helped me back onto the beach.

Many Christian sisters are crying out or reaching for help, and loneliness is their blue monster. This loneliness is heavy to carry. For many years I was needy and lonely. I would place friendships before the Lord only to end up with the wrong Christian friends. Some were like monsters, and I was alone again.  

I asked the Lord for forgiveness from my heart for the placing friendship before Him. Then I asked to be healed of my neediness. He did it and gave me friends after His heart. It took years, but I learned to pray scripture prayers like taking my cancer medicine. I prayed: My Sovereign Lord, thankful for being my friend, Job 16:20; my peace, John 14:27; my heart strength, Psalm 73:26.

Let me tell you a secret because I experienced much loss. Many times I have to reach out for help and cry out because the blue monster attacks me also and I will say, My Sovereign Lord, thankful for being my hiding place, Psalm 32:7: and never leaving me, nor forsaking me, Hebrews 13:5.

The most significant victory is placing God’s Word in your heart!