Several people on my job had a friendly competition going on with counting steps, I watched them compare their steps with excitement. They accomplished their goals by getting up early to run or walk before work. I was excited watching them however, I was not ready to embrace walking, so I thought.

A year ago, I walked daily for mental clarity and spiritual direction, it was a great time to spend with the Lord. Unfortunately, I lost the desire to walk when they started construction on the walking trail I loved, I was disappointed. I tried to rekindle the desire by walking around my neighborhood, but it did not feel the same and I stopped altogether.  In late May I spent four days quarantined and during that time I felt restless and cranky. I had to get out, so I decided to put on my Fitbit and take a walk in the park a few minutes from my house.  During that walk, I remembered how walking made me feel, it was relaxing, and it gave me time to think.

When I stopped, I had walked 6, 000 steps in a short timeframe. While walking I was praying and listening to inspirational messages, my spirit was being renewed. The things I was concerned about was not as big during my walk. 1 Peter 5:7 says, “Casting all your care upon Him, for he careth for you.”

God has a way of getting us to cast our cares on Him and walking caused me to do that. The restlessness made me uncomfortable enough to do something. Well, I experienced restlessness yours could be anxiety, confusion, or being overwhelmed and you need that place to cast your cares. Wherever the Spirit leads you in your spiritual meeting place do not resist! It will be a place where God gives you clarity and strength for what lies ahead. The Holy Spirit can prompt us to go in a direction that takes us out of our comfort zone, but we reject it. I wanted to start walking again but my flesh said, “it is too hot out there” and “you do not feel like walking”.

I overcame by looking for relief and that started an early morning journey of walking consistently. I have better clarity and I enjoy spending that time with the Lord. Roman 8:28 says, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”